Day: April 5, 2024

Stations of the Cross

Last week, on Holy Thursday, as a class, we did a re-enactment of the Stations of the Cross in front of the entire school. Each and everyone in room 8 played a crucial role in making the play special.

My role was Pontius Pilate. As Pilate I had a decision to make, let Jesus walk or follow the crowd. I made the choice to follow the crowd. The crowd decided to crucify Jesus.

As I swiped Jesus to the left giving the sign to the soldiers to  prepare to walk him up to Golgotha to meet his death I felt a hint of regret but I knew what had to be done.

As Jesus was walking up to hill Golgotha I was feeling guilty. I knew he was a good man and he had done nothing wrong. 

Stations of the Cross made me appreciate the death of Jesus and his love for us.

By Andreaus