Year: 2024

Stations of the Cross

Last week, on Holy Thursday, as a class, we did a re-enactment of the Stations of the Cross in front of the entire school. Each and everyone in room 8 played a crucial role in making the play special.

My role was Pontius Pilate. As Pilate I had a decision to make, let Jesus walk or follow the crowd. I made the choice to follow the crowd. The crowd decided to crucify Jesus.

As I swiped Jesus to the left giving the sign to the soldiers to  prepare to walk him up to Golgotha to meet his death I felt a hint of regret but I knew what had to be done.

As Jesus was walking up to hill Golgotha I was feeling guilty. I knew he was a good man and he had done nothing wrong. 

Stations of the Cross made me appreciate the death of Jesus and his love for us.

By Andreaus


What lent means to me

For lent I want to give up devices because I want to spend more time with my family and because  lately I’ve been watching TV and playing games a lot. I haven’t been  doing much lately  but playing games so I want to take a break from devices and read more books so next time I do a test I can get better results on my next math test.